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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FAQ Answered!

I began Rollherstroller by answering e-mails from parents about baby gear, and decided to create a blog with pictures and reviews for a more helpful view on certain items. 
There are always questions I get asked numerous times a day, and so I'm going to list the most frequently asked questions and answer them as best as I can!

1. My husband and I are very tall, and need a stroller that is good for us- any recommendations? 
Thankfully nowadays, lots of strollers come with adjustable handlebars for taller parents, giving you a wider range of choices than there used to be. My favorite choice for taller parents, would have to be the Uppababy Vista. Not only is the handlebar adjustable, but the seat sits higher on the frame, so you don't have your baby staring at your ankles all day long! 
Another option, (and an expensive one), is the Stokke Xplory. The seat is adjustable, and on the highest level, can pretty much have you staring straight ahead into your beautiful baby's eyes! It also has a telescoping and adjustable handlebar. I like these two options, because the seat is higher, rather than just the handlebar coming out towards you. 


2. Is a bassinet for my stroller really necessary? 
There are plenty of strollers that offer a full recline, suitable from birth- so no, I wouldn't say a bassinet is ABSOLUTELY necessary, but it is a great option. Especially if you plan on taking baby on long walks in your neighborhood, or would like another option for baby to sleep in, (maybe for grandma's house, etc.) It gives the stroller a beautiful pram look, which I love. But it doesn't have to be a deal breaker. Just check out what the stroller company recommends. If the stroller seat is only suitable from 6 months and up, you might want to look into purchasing the bassinet as well. But remember- the bassinet will only last you a MAXIMUM of 6 months (if you're lucky).

3. Do I need a car seat adapter? 
It's a great option, for quick errands without having to wake a sleeping baby. It's been a lifesaver for me, a countless amount of times. But it is recommended that baby doesn't stay in his car seat too long. It should be for car use, and quick errands. It's best for baby to lay flat for the first few months, for proper development, and child safety. Having a car seat adapter is practical and makes life easy- but don't get too used to it. 

4. What is your favorite all-terrain double stroller?
I'm going to have to say the BOB Duallie. I just love it. To me, it folds pretty compactly for such a beast of a stroller. The tires are super easy to remove for an even more compact fold. There is nothing like the ride of a BOB. It's amazing. And my son LOVES the roomy seat, he always has. The storage on it is also pretty great!

5. My child is 2 1/2 years old, and I'm expecting baby #2- do I need a double stroller?
No one knows your child better than you. Is your son still a stroller rider? Does he sit still in it, and enjoy the ride? Or is he constantly begging to walk?  If he's a walker, and almost out of the stroller riding territory, maybe a stand-on board would be better for you. If he is still content in his stroller, I would definitely invest in a doubles option. It can save you major headaches. There are plenty of single strollers that offer an "add on" single seat, so that you can use the second seat for the time being, and then have a single stroller for the baby who will be in the stroller for a while. Check out the Uppababy Vista with the Rumble Seat, Baby Jogger City Select with Doubles Kit, or one of the Phil and Ted's- like the Dot. (Just to name a few..)

6. Should I go with a double side by side stroller, or a tandem?
A very hard question to answer. They both have their pro's and con's. A side by side is easier to bump up curbs, but may be harder to maneuver through tight spaces and some doorways. A side by side will also take up more space in a trunk. A tandem is easier to maneuver through tight spaces, but can also be heavier than a side by side, especially with two full sized seats. If going with the tandem option, I prefer a second seat which can be removed. So that if you have children of two different ages, the second seat can be stored when he outgrows the stroller, giving the stroller a longer life span. Great options for side by sides are the Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double, Bugaboo Donkey, Valco Baby Zee Two and Bumbleride Indie Twin. Great options for tandems are the Baby Jogger City Select, Phil and Ted's Dot and the Uppababy Vista with the Rumble Seat. All those second seats can be removed. 

7. What is the easiest stroller to travel with? (airplanes, public transportation, etc.)? 
I recently reviewed the Valco Baby Snap stroller, and think it is an amazing stroller to travel with. It's super light, (only 13 pounds!) and SOO easy to fold. It has great storage as well which you need when traveling. It also has a near flat recline, which is great for baby to sleep in. 
I also love the Uppababy Gluxe, which is only 11 pounds, and folds umbrella style. It has a near flat recline, and a great pop out visor, protecting baby from the sun and nasty weather. 

8. What car seat do you use?
With my son I used the Orbit Baby Travel System G2, and I cannot say enough good things about it. I loved it, and it was PERFECT for me. The car seat, (although very heavy) was so easy for me to click in and out of the car, and snap onto the stroller frame, and I love the rotating base. 
Now that I'm expecting number 2, (and the Orbit Baby Helix didn't meet my needs) I opted for the Cybex Aton infant car seat. It's one of the lightest car seats on the market, and super easy to install. It's also amazingly safe! I love it, and can't wait to use it. The Cybex Aton can attach to any stroller with the Maxi Cosi Mico Adapter. 

9. I need a full size stroller, but they all seem to be too heavy! What should I do?
I recently reviewed the Baby Roues Le Tour stroller, and I think it is an amazing option for those who are looking for a full size luxury stroller, but cannot handle the weight of the others on the market. It folds with the seat attached, has amazing storage, beautiful canopies, and can face in or out. And get is only 20 pounds with the seat, chasis and wheels attached. Amazing!
Another great option is the Baby Jogger City Versa. What's amazing about this stroller is that it folds with the seat facing either way! It also has an amazing weight capacity of 50 pounds, which is awesome. The Versa weight about 26 pounds.
I also love the Uppababy Cruz and think it is a great option. It's a full size stroller, with the option to add a bassinet (sold separately) and a HUGE storage basket. And it has amazing maneuverability. The seat itself is suitable from birth, and also can handle a maximum weight of 50 pounds. The Cruz weighs 22 pounds. 


  1. Hey! Thanks for the post, 2 of the questions I asked are on here hahah! thanks for all the help. going to go with the city select after all
    cant wait only 2 more weeks!

    1. I was wondering about you! So happy to hear your going with the City Select, you'll love it! Good luck!

  2. what do u think of the maxi cosi prezi

    1. I like it. Love the look and safety of it, the straps seem a bit snug to me though. And not many companies have adapters for it yet.

  3. Awaiting my versa!! Any day now

  4. Debating on versa and the city select. My son will be 3 when LO is born. He likes his stroller but will be in school all week. Is versa a better single stroller then select,?? Can't find any reviews plzzzzzz review one!!

  5. The city select is a great doubles option, but the versa is an amazing single stroller. If your son won't be in te stroller for long and you don't plan on having another baby, id go with the versa!

  6. I have a bob Duallie for my older twins and now have a 7 month old boy and need an easy in and out stroller for him. Lightweight and easy fold but don't need bassinet etc what would u recommend

  7. some of the best gears for the babies. Liked them all. Amazing.
